Tuesday 27 January 2009

Where did all my time go?

Well, I've started working. I'm in my fourth week, and the enthusiasm of the first week ("Whoee, I've got a job!) is starting to wane. It's not that I don't like it, but going from 0 to 9h/day is starting to take its toll. It doesn't take long to start appreciating week-ends, to dread Monday mornings, and to set up a daily budget for buying lunch. It does, however, take some time to get used to the fact that my new bedtime is at 10.30, if I want to get up at 6.30 and still get enough sleep. And I must say, I miss being able to knit for hours on end.. Watching daytime television :)

But, working does have its perks, too, and even though I don't make a lot of money, hopefully it will soon be enough to splurge on a pair of new shoes...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least you have internet access now :) And it always feels good to earn some money.

1. work
2. ...
3. profit!

( http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Profit )